Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Totally Addicted

to baby goats! And now Ravelry too!

Somehow I discovered there was a group on Ravelry as equally entranced as I am, and hey guess what! They're nice people. I'm sorry that was tacky, but my first experiences there were unfortunately influenced by a lot of drama. And, I seem to have outgrown that part of my life as well as many of my clothes. :) So, for me Ravelry was a place to check out yarns and patterns and keep my mouth shut. So glad to find that it's more than that.

But back to the babies. You really should spend some time with the lamb cam. Or if you need more immediate babyness, check out the blog. Lots of adorable photos and right at the top now is a wonderful video of Arno, the first born. Now there are (I think) 23 babies. And the last one was born right in front of me as I ate my supper on Sunday!

Knitting? Not a lot. Still working on that chicken which is killing my hands. So not far along. Maybe I really should use the yarn recommended instead of some crinkly cotton I found in my stash??

The laundry sock has fallen behind because........tada my washer worked this week! So laundry was done at home while I cleaned house and such. It's now become the Ravelry sock so I can knit a few rows while I visit. It's ok..supposed to be in the 80s this week. I won't need a wool sock for awhile.

So, what have y'all been up to? Probably lots of constructive things unlike me who is enjoying being a voyeur. :)


Sara said...

I'm sorry you had a bad experience on Ravelry before - that sucks. I don't spend much time there...I'm more into blogs...

Sheri said...

I, too, love Ravelry, addicted to it actually. I don't spend much time on the forums for the same reason as you. I think they need one for the over 50 group.Okay, maybe 40.
Been knitting up a storm around here. Will be posting them soon.
Enjoy that 80 degree weather!
Sheri in GA

KatyaR said...

I found this blog and thought of you--lots of baby sheeps!


Two weeks 'til Rendezvous-can't wait!