Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Need a Kiss?

or a Pixy Stick? Or a snack size 3 Musketeers? When I got home from work the adorable little ones were out with their mommies. By the time I got my clothes changed and shoes off the grade schoolers were out. But after dark, I had only 2 kids! Now the age level of the kids in the neighborhood have changed with many of them at least in middle school. And my coworkers kids are growing up too. :-( I miss all those little ballerinas and ghosts and tigers.

Even the rowdy older ones were absent. Zoey didn't bark even once. Weird!

When one of my coworkers kids was small he accidentally discovered that I startle rather easily. So his delight when he came to the office was to "scare" me. Now granted, when you see the child coming, and he closes HIS eyes so you can't see him, it's not too startle-worthy but I played along and would yelp and jump when he said Boo. So when he arrived at my door on Halloween I sort of knew what was expected. He stood there in his little costume and just said Boo repeatedly then would almost collapse in giggles. He was so proud of his scare-ability that he didn't even want candy.

Another time, I friend was helping me with some house woes while his partner and daughter trick-or-treated in the neighborhood. It was wicked cold out, so they would go a little ways, come back and warm up and set out again. I noticed that Jazz (the little girl) was followed by a couple of cats. Every time she returned there would be more cats. By the time they left for home there were 16 cats of various sizes and colors sitting on the porch and in the driveway. Cats I had never seen before...or since. I still think she must have rubbed tuna on her costume!

So now, time to load up the leftover candy and take it to the office...ok so maybe a few things will stay here *G*


Sara said...

Oh, we had about 350 a bit down from last year which topped the 435 we have a little bit of candy left...I tended to over by this year....

Anonymous said...

OH I'll take a pixie stix, thank you. We had none, nada, not a single kid. It is so sad. We haven't had a trick or treat since we've lived her, five years. It's not like we don't have kids, the whole block is full of them. I think it has to do with the bible belt, because no one is even decorated with halloween stuff. Oh well more candy for me LOL. Reese cups YUM!!!

Anonymous said...

Where did all these kids go? I think I saw six last night. The last one scored and got what was left because it couldn't stay here. *L*

Susan said...

Otter, I found out yesterday that the local high school hosted some sort of trick or treat party as well as all the churches trying to keep the children from horrid pagans that bought candy to give away, I guess.

And nope...never followed her before or since.

Wow Sara, lucky you! Next year I'll send my candy to your house *G*

Yeah Cat, I hear you. Once when we had secret pals at work, I gave my pal some 'fall' kitchen towels, potholders etc. No witches or black cats..just pumpkins and leaves and such. She threw them on the floor and said that she didn't want those pagan things. Uhhhh leaves are pagan? Needless to say, I didn't give her anything else.

Cookie, I bet that kid thought they'd found the promised land. I did that one year and then had a bunch of kids arrive because they heard I was giving out big bags of stuff. Too bad for them! *G*