Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Midweek Miscellaneous

Hi! Me again. This time with no new pics of fluff. And I want to get more repeats done on the sock before it shows up here.

Bumble Vee, yes, I would be really happy to send you some of this but somehow we need to email so I'll know where to send it. When I post at your 'house' does my eMail addy show up? If so...that will work. Perhaps inspired by your place in the blogsphere, I have this need to knit my Build a Bear lamb a shrug and make her an Easter dress. So off to the bookcase this morning to look through Knits for Children and Their Teddies. Ah yes, there's a shrug in there. I guess I'd better get busy on those socks so I can start something new. :-)

I'm off work today. Another use-i-or-lose-it vacation day. I'd love to have a whole week off but that is just so hard on the ones left there. We aren't overly staffed.
And, while I'd like nothing better than staying in my jammies all day, I'm off to the City. The cats tell me I need to go restock their food from Petsmart and I agree. And maybe there is a new Simply Knitting at the book store. And last night somewhere in blogland I stumbled on a new-to-me tea called Red Rose. It supposedly very good AND it comes with a little figurine in the box. I'm such a sucker for surprises! So, I'll stop at the only tea place I know about and see if they have it. Maybe not. They're rather fancy,schmancy and most of the tea I saw when shopping for a swap pal was in big glass jars with shiny silver lids and you they scooped it out into your bag. Worth a try though. I'll let you know.

Have a good one kiddos!


Devorah said...

Hope your day was lovely!

BumbleVee said...

Hi Susan.... email me at

we can talk then......