Old things. Afternoon/early evening thunderstorms. I can't remember the last day without at least a bit of rain. Yesterday it held off until just after a make-up softball game. Which we won. Which was soooo hot. This weather is very weird. I sometimes think perhaps I have been transported to Seattle. But then I realize it would be much cooler there. Not only in temps..
But most mornings are sunny, and Hershey makes the best use of it. He works quite diligently

arranging his body and legs to absorb the rays most efficiently. I was supposed to be folding clothes but had quite a nice time watching as he'd look over his shoulder at the east window and then move one foot just a centimeter.
New old things...I got this runner along with a dresser scarf

and a tatted doily at a garage sale. I washed and blocked it which was a real trip since it is longer than my bed! There were lots of things I would have like to have purchased but many were out of my price range. I got a real good deal on my little purchases since a friend was the one having it but I didn't want to take advantage. Her inlaws had a big house which they turned into a bed and breakfast. It was just wonderful...not that I ever stayed there, but I attended a party there once. Finally they retired and GAVE the house to their son and his wife..who is my friend. And their moving theory was grand. They took all the things they wanted, and left. Most all of the furniture is still there etc. But one can only use so many sets of china, etc so I'm thinking there might be more sales in the future. I was hoping to purchase a teapot and she had some lovely ones. But I want a plain colored round squatty sort of pot that doesn't hold enough to serve a party.

And new new things. The rain is truly making my tom

ato plants happy. They are covered with little grape tomatoes. Now if the sun would stay out and let them ripen. I love fried green tomatoes but I think I'd get really tired of slicing these babies up. They're just right for a bite..as soon as they get red.
And new socks too. These socks seemed to go really fast considering it didn't seem like I worked on them that often. Do you suppose I'm speeding up a bit? Now I am ready for fall. I'm looking forward to wearing these then. They are very soft. I've had really good luck with the Knitpicks yarn.

I don't know what to do next. I'm really wanting to crochet a baby blanket. I have the pattern. I know how to crochet. I understand the instructions. But I cannot for the life of me get it to work. I know it must have to do with counting. I even swatched a smaller amount thinking that if I could do it over 10 stitches, I could continue on. It still isn't working for me. Maybe I'll wake up in the morning knowing exactly what to do.
In the meantime, I think I'll go see what y'all have been doing. Laters