Knitty Otter had a contest.
And in the contest I got second
With sock yarn here
And sock yarn there
Fun book
Chewing gum
Chocolate, chocolate everywhere
Knitty Otter had a contest
Go over and see what I won because the pictures I took really, really suck! Yummy sock yarn that I've never seen before and have been cuddling with. And a really fun book...except I think I wore some of those items. Makes me wonder what future generations will think of some of the things that are designed now.
So now that I have the yarn for the Lady Sweater, and softball sock on the needle, it's time to show progress. 'cept there hasn't been any. Softball was rained out and/or games have been out of town. They start so early that unless they are here, I can't get to them in time to watch. Lady Sweater? Not even a swatch.
But I have been knitting. Last summer I bought a bunch of Rowan Spray during
Webs' Summer sale even though I had no idea what it would be like. Somehow it just called my name and it was at a price (then) I could afford. One morning while eating Cheerios, I decided it should be a afghan. EZ's garter stitch. Oh it's mostly mindless but my gosh, it surely makes my hands hurt. Size 15 needles in hands used to maybe sometimes using an 8 is a new adventure. I've been knitting like a mad dog because I don't think I have quite enough and I need to see how much more I need to buy. My plan is to knit two of the pieces. Count balls of yarn used and then check the rest of the stash. Since it's supposed to be handwashed or dry cleaned I'm thinking that it probably isn't the smartest thing I've ever done. No way could it be hand washed! But hopefully any hair balls will clean up well by spot cleaning. Cause you KNOW as soon as it's done and blocked, somebody will grace it with a gift!
Here's a sucky pic of it so far.

And no, I don't have a yellow floor.
And here's a better pic of the yarn.

And now I have to go hop in the tub and get dressed because today I'M GOING TO THE STATE FAIR! Getting all ready for sheep, and cinnamon rolls, and goats, and gyros, and cows, and funnel cake, and quilting, and corn dogs, and knitting and candy apples, and spinning, and ferris wheels and and and. Actually I don't think I can eat all that but gyro and funnel cake are definitely on the list.
See ya laters!