Look what came in my mail today! I came home from work and there was absolutely nothing in my mail box. There was, however, a new battery in my car. Not how I'd planned on spending money, but the cold weather apparently just sucked the life out of the old one. It would charge, but then would slowly go back down. And hey, it started! So to celebrate, I went to the store around the corner and got some milk. Don't want to over do it LOL.
So, I get back home and there's a big squishy envelope sticking out of the mail box. Uh oh...have I ordered something that I've not only forgotten but also neglected to write down in the check book??? Nope...it was a surprise from Cat!
Look, look, look! A copy of my favorite knitting magazine which I can only get here if I order it from England. I love, love this magazine. It's got a nice variety of projects and the majority of them don't require 6pack abs to wear them. And oh the ads! My goodness, it surely seems there is a lot more going on over there and the shops are just so pretty! And it has big pics of techniques and new stitches every issue. And, there is always a little extra goodie inside it's plastic wrapper. This time, it's a knitting diary. Small enough that it can live in my knitting box and hey, maybe I'll even remember to write down names and colors of yarn that I use.
And more...packets of tea! Actually there were two more packets but I made and drank them before I took the pic. *G*
Such a treat! And, I decided that all this happiness needed more than an email thank you, so I called her. First time to talk on the phone with her. Lots of laughing and dang, I sure wish I lived closer! Thanks Cat...you're the bestest!
What a wonderful surprise!
What great goodies! Enjoy them!
Nice goodies!!!
I am so glad I was able to make your day. You made my night by calling :-) and it was great hearing your voice.
What a lovely surprise!! Such nice goodies. I've seen that mag. a few times in my local Borders. I'll keep my eyes out for you.
I have that magazine! Fry and I were roaming Barnes & Noble, and I found that one. You and I have the same knitting diary!
Don't you LOVE getting packages? There's always a lot of glee around here when someone gets something good in the mail. I'm glad you had a great day.
I've seen Simply Knitting at Hastings in Altus.
Laura, dang everyone sees it in their bookstores but me. Maybe if I went every week...nah, that's not likely to happen. I can't afford that much gas *G* Cute diary, isn't it??
Linda, thanks! I haven't been to Altus in forever..maybe I need to make a trip *G*
Oh der! I forgot about Hastings. The nearest one to us that I know about is Emporia, Kansas, two hours away at least.
I like Simply Knitting, but it's about like Creative Knitting. Nice, fun, even, but I rarely make anything out of them.
Laura, I think I will make something out of one of mine, but my knitting knowledge needs to be a bit farther along. And, ya know, I do have a Hasting's fairly close and I even know the book manager. I'll have to call and see if they get it. Yay!
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