I really do love y'all! Valentine's Day isn't a problem for me like the Christmas advertisements were. Sunday, at Walmart with The Girl and Mac, I picked up a pot of tulips that were still in bud and put them in my basket. The Girl confided that those were really for people to buy and give to their girlfriends or wives. And so...a bit of a feminist lecture ensued :-), the gist of which was that one should never wait for someone to buy them flowers. She appeared to think this was a good idea..or else she was being too polite to mention that once again Susu was being weird. /shrug.
But there is a Valentine's Day Challenge brought to us by that ever blonde Sprite! Go see! Her words are too good for me to paraphrase. My coworkers are getting pencils...with Cinderella on them! I do so love kiddie Valentines. If you, like me, are vehicle-less, or like Ann..snowed in (and I'm soooo jealous!) it's still a great idea. Can't deliver cookies (or can't bake)...doesn't matter. Call someone that you haven't talked to in awhile. Heck just smile at someone.
I had an interesting exchange at work yesterday. One of my duties is to go to the hospital several times a day to deliver or pick up stuff. My first run was a bit late and when I got to the lab, one of the lab people commented that she was afraid maybe I was sick or something. She said that she looked forward to seeing me every morning because I was so happy all the time. I laughed and told her that sometimes it was fake, but as the AA adage says, " Fake it till you make it" But then I realized and shared with her that I really am pretty happy most of the time and I think, in some part, it has to do with age. As I get ever older, I realize that I don't have as many days left as I did before, and I'd better enjoy each of them. And, since much of my hours are spent at work, I really do try to have a good time. Now, since most of you haven't been around me in rl, trust me...I can really throw a tantrum. And I can get really really pissy. And I can be quite snarky. No Pollyanna here. And I know that depression is a REAL disorder...trust me, I know this :-). but sometimes I think we get to choose. And I choose to laugh.
Jeez, this was supposed to be all about Sprite's challenge and I took off on a side path. Go read, go do, and remember...I love ya!
I can attest to most all of that, as I've seen most of your moods, heard'em, or you've told me, and I want to say that you are one of the greatest friends a person could have! For the most part, you ARE happy all the time, and it IS a choice ... hope your day is the kind you want it to be! [HA! That's also a choice!] heh heh
Thanks for the nice words, Paris. But trust me...my drugs help an awful lot too. There sometimes comes a point where there is no happy, and no matter how often you fake it..it just doesn't arrive. No shame here for living better with chemistry!
Susan from work
You're not weird. You can think for yourself and a lot of people are naive enough to think that 'weird'. Besides, normal is boring ans scary.
I disagree with Cookie but only because I think weird is good and we should be proud of being weird!
Happy V-day!
Cookie, thinking for yourself is sometimes seen as threatening to others..poor dears. I laugh when The Girl calls me weird because it's usually accompanied by some enabling.
Devorah, perhaps we need tshirts. Weird and Proud! Yay!
Ha! I can see it now, a Weird Pride march. "We're here and we're weird!" If I had a nickle for every "You're weird," tossed my way, I'd have a LOT more yarn.
Laura, maybe we should start demanding remuneration..or however you spell it.
Cinderella pencils!! Whoo Hooo.. Cool!
And .. like, be weird, be mad, be glad.. I just love ya anyway!! *big hugs*
Ohhhh I got hugged by a Sprite! Yay me. And I love ya too!
I am in the weird category too...I have bought myself flowers every week or every other week for the last 9 years. I just decided one day that I was worth it. I would stop and buy flowers for my desk at work. Now I buy them for my apartment.
I am special you know? :o)
Ann, I'm certainly in good company! And we are both worth it. I shall have to add flowers to my grocery list.
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