Now Danielle, who did win had been on a plan of finishing UFOs and decided that rather than add all this to her stash she would share it. So she had a contest guess what she was making. I entered that, and again I was wrong.
So the winner got to pick out what she wanted and then Danielle put the other names on slips of paper and this time I was one of the winners of the Good/Bad/Ugly yarn stash.

So today it arrived: May I present the Ugly complete with sticky note from Ann. This is 5 spools, 160 feet of floresent nylon twine. Kite string, level string...very sturdy string! Someone had seen a pattern in Magknits for a dog collar and leash so Zoey may be very well decked out in the future!
But that's not all. A nice skein of cotton for a ball band cloth...and pattern. I love the colors!
And, because Danielle felt sorry for me, I also got this marvelous Rowan Kid Classic (70%

So, that's how my week started off...and I plan on it getting even better. It will be hard to top today though.
Great's good karma..shaking my fist..MEL GIBSON BE GONE!
A dog collar? Perfect! Zoey is probably fuzzy enough, the nylon wouldn't bug her.
I always thought the nylon would make great exfoliating socks. Icky, but good for the callouses.
How cool!
Is it wrong that I love the pink and green?
Don't answer that. *hangs head in shame*
Ann, I need all the good karma I can get, and I'm sure this is just the first of it!
Laura, I'm also thinking about some sort of bag. It, for sure, would never wear out. And, with those colors, certainly wouldn't get lost in a crowd *G* too. We of the great and maybe sometimes garish taste *G*
Hi there
Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!
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