The Harlot socks are done!! Can you see me doing the happy happy sock dance? Actually the shoes aren't quite that bright and they pretty much match the turquoise in the yarn. Well, even if they didn't there are so many colors you would think they matched something.

When I die I shall probably ask that all my socks be cremated with me cause I don't want anyone to see the Kitchenering (Paris that's what 'sewing' the toe end up is called). I try and try and for every part that looks good, there's a part that looks like a kindergarten kid did it. I have good instructions, which I try to follow carefully. Sometimes that's a bit hard though when you have a good ' friend' trying to help
The real Harlot says that there is a STR color named after her now but it's not on their website. I'm wondering what it will look like. Have any of y'all knitted with STR? I'm fascinated by the colors. Are the old ones like Fire on the Mountain self striping?
Now it's time for a celebratory hot dog, and then figure out what to do with the rest of this day.
Fun sock/shoe photo! The brightness of the shoes in the photo makes them look like they are glowing! I like it! Thanks for playing along!
/falls over
Kirsten, that's me...glowing shoes. Well I always wanted some of those kid shoes that light up when you walk. Too bad I have grown up sized feet. Thanks for doing it. It made having finished socks even more fun *G*
I can't do the "K" stitching to save my life. Someone did post a suggestion that I am going to try the next time..do it with the sock turned inside out. As I was wrapping the socks up to send today I looked at one of the toes and I just wasn't happy with it.
I think I need a class...
Congratulations on finishing the socks..doesn't it feel great?
Oh Ann, I'll have to try that. But good to know I'm not the only one. I never thought that a dropped stitch wouldn't fill me with horror...maybe someday we'll both be experts. It does feel great, especially since they took me forever. But now my sock needles are lonesome *G*
My Cookie response fell off this thing. So here it is again
Cookie, you made me just LOL.
/picks up Cookie, dusts her off, and puts her on the sofa.
I love those socks. Looked for the yarn at one of our LYSs on Saturday with no luck. That's why catalogues and internet were invented, right?
I have Fire on the Mountain STRs and love the stuff so much. No knitting with it, it's too pretty. Now, I'll have to check out the Harlot's colorway. You saw Wendy's dear Lucy colorway they made, didn't you? Talk about great advertising. They're out maybe a skein and everyone rushes to buy one just like it. :P
Yay for finished socks! Your shoes look like they're glowing, though.....LOL!
I'll have to search out the Lucy colorway too!
I got that yarn at Gourmet Yarn in Oklahoma City. Guess you'll just have to come down here, eh? Or maybe SWAK has it.
I wore them to work today so my feet were quite happy *G*
Laura..oops I did it again. Got distracted and forgot I wasn't through typing. I've never actually seen STR in real life. I can only imagine how wonderful it must be. The colors are sooo vibrant!
Ah, you're missing a treat. I bought Pebble Beach, Fire on the Mountain, and Red Rock Canyon (of course!!!), and didn't want to take the labels off, they were so pretty. Dave's Precious Metals were the same, too. They're the ones you leave in the hanks for a while, just to love on and hug.
Ha! I know we're taking a road trip to the parents' between now and the end of the year. I may have to fake car trouble in front of Gourmet yarns, and then in front of your house, just to show off what I bought. :D
oh my gosh! I didn't know there was a Red Rock Canyon. Need that LOL.
Well, I could also meet you at Gourmet Yarns and we could take turns enabling. That way we could have someone to blame besides Mel! *G*
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