gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen
That's what I was singing as I tried my hand at carding. No, of course I don't have hand carders. But I have two dog slicker brushes. And, after having washed them before work, I happily sat down to continue my fiber adventures while singing songs from "The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical". My old hippie soul was happy even if my experiment left something to be desired.

The depth of the brushes is only about 2 1/2 inches at the widest point and their oval shaped so even that is a very small part of the whole. And the length of the fiber is longer than that. I tried using them sideways but the teeth are curved towards the bottom so that didn't work. But I did try..and sing :-) And I took some of what I managed to card and spun it on my leg. The twist didn't stay, but hey..for a bit I had yarn that held together!

And little poofs of fairy hair. So light, so soft. Can you be in love with some little pieces of fluff?

And Bumble Vee, the ultimate goal is for me to become a spinner. But for now, who knows what will happen with this stuff. You want some of it to play with???
Hiya Susan...are you serious? about a little baggy to play with?
That would be great. Maybe I could make a tiny white bear for you.... or do something with it... it is always fun to play with new wools...even if I don't spin, weave or knit. It looks short enough for decent needle felting. The longer locks are usually not great for felting up small animals... is it better for it to be longer fibers for spinning? I have some long stuff...maybe we should trade. lol...
Your washed mohair looks almost good enuff to eat, and as you work with it I am sure you will try a little now and then. I always end up with some in my mouth when I deal with kid.
Wonderful! Try just teasing the locks open with one brush (against a strong piece of fabric or leather) and then spinning from the lock.
Have fun!
That is awesome!!!! I know you will be a spinner soon. I see it in your future ;-)
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