Sunday, March 11, 2007

Important News!

I am so excited about this, you would think it was all my doing. Y'all go see! The marvelous Kirsten over at Through The Loops has her first pattern published in Knitty! I can't remember how I first found her blog, but it was a lucky day for sure. I've been amazed at the socks and hats and wonderful shawls she's made. I've so enjoyed the photos that she so magically seems to come up with (it helps that her kids are gorgeous and mostly willing models). She's so encouraging to me and I just hope that someday I can knit as well as her. And all that's well and fine but guess what!?! You don't have to be a size 2 with tight abs to wear this. And there's more than one size in the pattern. Y'all go see! Is this cool or what??????

There may be other good things in this issue but I haven't seen the rest of it yet. It will have to wait for lunchtime at work. My computer can go to specific articles there through links, or to the main page, but it can't wander around without freezing up. So I have something to anticipate on Monday.

In the meantime, I have printed out 3 copies of this pattern. One to mark on when and if I get brave. One to keep clean in case a cat leaves a hairball on the first one. And one to save so when she's rich and famous, I can say...I have her first knitty pattern :-)

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