Friday, March 27, 2009


It's not that I didn't want to's just that I wanted to have something to show when I posted. Alas...

The sweater is in protective custody..being protected from me. I sorta kinda messed up. It's been frogged back past the messed up part and is safely on needles in hiding until the knitter is a bit more coherent or something.

The chicken has flown the coop! I truly can't even find that lovely one.

And the baby afghan? Well after two knitted patterns I decided that I really really hate knitting with that yarn. I'm sure it's just me because I've read that others like it a lot. So, I decided to crochet. A fun easy pattern but when I spread it out to take a pic, I discovered that 4 rows in I neglected to go all the way to the end and a mitered side wasn't what I wanted. I was a bit cranky when I discovered it so I cut it to bits!!

Last night I gave in..and started a dishcloth. Even if I screw that up, it can still be used for scrubbing!

Work has been absolutely frantic. We have ANOTHER new management company to start April 1st. But before then, there will be a layoff. Our director thinks we are safe as he has not been contacted about getting rid of any of us. I know he doesn't he feels secure in saying that. I just hope they don't decide to surprise him. Today is the last day of the pay period so hopefully it will happen today and the ones that are left can breathe a bit easier this weekend.

But tomorrow I should have something to show. We're expecting some places a bunch of it. According to the weather guy's maps my town is the dividing line between 6-12 inches and 3-5 inches. We shall see. I'm supposed to go to a personal bridal shower tomorrow and I hope it comes off. The soon-to-be-bride just found out yesterday that her fiance is being laid off today. Not a good thing. They're such great young people, that sucks!

Oh's hailing! Until tomorrow when I'll at least have pictures of something, even if it's a dish rag, I wish you well.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Tell me you didn't really cut something up into bits!

Let me know how it goes at work - I know it is a rough time and a new management company coming in does not ease one's mind...