Here's a picture of sock number one on foot number one. And hopefully someday it will be a pair. It's VERY warm..and since it's warm here, I'll have these to look forward too next winter.

Tonight's been about a bit of dusting, and laundry and plant watering. Oh...speaking of plants, we have some real excitement at work. One of my co-workers gifted me with a new treasure. Purchased at the Dollar Store, it's called a Secret Fortune plant. Comes in a little can with some growing water it and it allegedly grows and has a message on it. So last Friday we opened it up, and gave it some water. Yesterday the growing medium had sprouted a hill sticking out the top of it, and if you looked straight down you could see a bit of a sprout. This morning it had sprouted but what was amazing

This was about 9:30 this morning. You would have thought someone had just had a baby. Everyone came flocking in to see, and throughout the day they'd come back to see if the message was visible yet.

LOL it doesn't take much to amuse us I guess.
I am somewhat noted for my ability to get excited about a new shiny pencil! I think it's a good way to live. Anyway by afternoon it had grown some more.. That dark brown matter is like the outside seed case. Looks sort of like a bean. I surely wish I knew what it was. But, if you have a $ store near you, you can have one too. Will only cost you a buck fifty and you can have a life as exciting as mine! Now off to watch the rest of CSI NY.
lol That's funny with your Lucky Bean plant. (Our dollar stores here have signs saying "ALMOST everything for a daollor, or more.") Looking forward to seeing what it sprouts.
Is that a can the size of a soda? Is it sprouting from a small opening, or is the top totally open? What a fun thing! If it weren't for my plant-eating cat (ShadowMan) I would go get one! I will be as giddy as you to keep watching!
Not to leave out the antics of MercyCat ... glad you could laff at what she did! I have no doubt you will get those socks done in no time!
LOL least they're honest. We have a new one here called Dollar Tree and everything really is a dollar...or 2 for or something. Sometimes it's a trap. I run in for paper towels and come out with a big bag of "stuff"
No Francee, it's littler than that. About as big as a half can of soda. The whole top comes off, and the bottom has a pull top like a soda can does so when you water it the water can run out the bottom.
OOO ... quite clever! Did you know that when I click on the picture, it gets huge?! Makes for seeing details quite easy!
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