A big box was on the porch yesterday when I came home from errands and inside was this!

Look at the syrup with the sun shining through it...pure gold!

Well after over 6 decades now I can truly say I've tasted maple syrup. This morning I got out a happy plate.

Then there was this..

And finally...

and life is soooooooo good! Thanks so much Jessie!
Oh, I didn't know that! I guess I just take it for granted since it is right here that everyone has "the real thing".
Glad you got some. It is wonderful...
Oh honey I never knew you have never tried maple syrup. I am so glad that you were spoiled and someone sent you some.
YUM.... maple syrup .... and pancakes......... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
... oh, sure, just great; it's 1:00 a.m.... and now I'm hungry for pancakes.
Lovely post. I expect maple syrup sales to increase after people read this. :-)
Glad you finally got to taste some! Now to introduce you to the joys of Grade B syrup -- with more maple flavor. Yum!
hey again Susan... no, still don't have it,..but not to worry... I just finally got some stuff today that has been enroute for over 15 days...sigh.... worse than pony express....I'm sure it will arrive soon...likely in a day or two.. I will let you know as soon as I get it. Can't wait to see it....
Glad you got to taste the real thing!
BTW, galmaran's link sent me to a spam page ... maybe needs to be deleted?
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