Sunday, January 28, 2007

Clarification Needed

I think I wasn't clear in my post about getting yarn cakes wound at my LYS. They will allow the customer to wind their purchased yarn using their swift and ball winder. The fee comes in if you want them to wind it for you. And, I called and was told that I could come wind my silk stuff and they wouldn't charge me. LOL of course they probably know that it's impossible for me to walk through the yarns to get to the winder without purchasing something, but I was good. got a couple of cards and a pair of #6 bamboo straight needles. I thought probably it would be a good thing since the silk feels sort of slippy, and I have a talent for letting stitches fall off metal needles. *G*

I guess I am just plain ol' nosy. I told the girl working and a customer that I had won the yarn. They both said "that's nice" and smiled. Geez, if someone told me that I would want all the details!

Oh and the second mitt is done except for weaving in the ends, and then it's back to the silly scarf.



Ann said...

Yep I was ready to fly out there and start picketing the LYS for not letting you use their ballwinder. I was ready to make a scene and everything!

Devorah said...

Oh well, not everyone is as curious as we are! Have fun with it!

Susan said...

Heh, once again I wrote comments, c/p to emails and then closed the window without posting it. Duh.

Cookie said...

I still cannot believe that they have the nerve to charge for winding. That should be part of the service... just like being able to ask for advice.

At my LYS, the swift and winder are behind the counter. There isn't enough room for the owner and another person. *L*

Some people just aren't curious. /sigh

Anonymous said...

Oh I definitely would have wanted details.


Sara said...

One of the LYS here doesn't even have a swift and ball winder for it's customers...and one does but only for stuff you purchase from her...of course, the closest LYS for me is 20 miles one way; the other is in New London which is 45 minutes away (that's the really expensive & snooty one)

Susan said...

Cookie, my first successful sock thanks to Silver was made from Plymouth Encore that I bought there. My second pair was made from yarn that I dyed with Easter egg dye. I had a question on the second sock, and (wearing the Plymouth socks so I could show them off) I took a partial sock with me so I could show them where I was stuck. The lady asked, "Where did you get the yarn?" And I explained that I had dyed it at home with Easter egg dye. The answer to my question..."You should sign up for a sock class". And that was that. Fortunately once I reread my instructions I figured out where I had messed up.

LOL Cat, I guess we are just nosy. I was thinking about this and maybe, for me, my main contact with other knitters is through blogs. And usually, any new yarn or project is explained in detail with links. I guess in real life, some don't understand this.

Sara, you sound like me. It's a round trip of 64 miles to my nearest one..and much farther to the next one. Thank goodness for online shopping! And indie dyers and all the other good things brought to us by the internet! *G* But it's really fun to fondle and sniff the yarn in person.