Alas, my Borders didn't have the new issue of Simply Knitting. I thought perhaps it would be coming later, since it just went up on that website this week. But, apparently there was nobody in the store who knew anything about what magazines they did or didn't get. So I indulged

And I got Sting's new cd. Ohhhhh I just love it! So not like anything else I've heard from him. (Ack...I should have driven down the street to Barnes and Noble, I could have gotten it cheaper with my membership there) So, with Elizabethan lute music in the background I knitted more on the Irish Hiking mitts and got this far. I've done one row of ribbing with 7 to go, then it will be sew up time. There are some rather wonky cables there, but ya know, I'm just pleased as punch and can't wait till I can start the other one! I didn't, however, do a bit of knitting on the Christmas stuff. Last night was all about me! *G*
Sometimes different can be good. ;^)
I love Sting. Not so much cookies. *L* Lovin' that mitten.
Am really liking the color of that mitten....
Very pretty..and the cables are simply wonderful!
Otter, that gene kicks in every once in awhile. Then I wear myself out and go take a nap *L*
Here's a link to the magazine although mine was the November issue. I have to order this one now.
Now I have to order that one. The wonders of Paypal! *G*
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