Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I started to title this post Expletive Deleted LOL. When I went to that new doc the other day, he changed on of my meds. Well, deleted one because he didn't feel it was working right and replaced it with another. He did give me some samples to take to make sure I tolerated it. LOL I thought he had given me a month's worth as had happened with other docs..but no, he gave me 6 days worth. I had no problems with it and turned in the Rx on Monday to get it filled. Geez, when I went to pick it up I almost tumped over. $125.90! Do you realize how much yarn that would buy?!?!?! The one he replaced? Baby Aspirin...98 cents for over a month's worth! LOL The only saving thing is that I get my meds where I work and I don't have to pay for them from just one paycheck.

Today I *get* to have another MRI. Now I'm not scared of spiders or mice or things like that but I HATE MRIs. I know it is a foolish thing, it's not really gonna squash me and/or suck all my air out LOL but I get really panicky. Fortunately, I have some Valium that I am to take 30 min before it happens. Hey, maybe I'll dream up a new knitting pattern! Even this dang thing is becoming a problem. I can have it done where I work, but the doc doesn't trust theirs. So somehow I have to convince my insurance that it's necessary to have it done in the City. I asked that he write a letter with a medical reason why, and the letter said something like "Ours is better than yours" If the insurance doesn't buy this, it's another $500 out of my nonexistant yarn budget! Ack!

It could be worse. In this country, if you don't have money or kids your just up a creek without a paddle as far as medical care goes. Even with insurance, the bills I see people get are just incredible.

Rant off...

OK, in the knitting world. I spent part of yesterday working on the girl's hat. I don't think the 2x2 ribbing is going to work. I'm using Cascade 220 superwash that I had in my stash. I can't decide whether I want to use this yarn or something thinner. I have until Christmas to figure this out. I took it with me to the 4th burger/hot dog thing just so she would know I was working on it. I think she told everyone there that "Thats MY hat!" It's nice that the process is making her happy!

Other than that, I watched a bazillion hours of "The First 24" and something called "Beach Cops" or something. Both were rather interesting!

And I ate...a lot! It started raining just when we started to eat, so we didn't go to our friends' home in the country for fireworks but in this water-starved place, watching rain is even better!!

What did y'all do yesterday? Whatcha gonna do today? Me, I have to get ready for work!


~France said...

OOO, so glad you got some rain just when ya needed it, tho sorry it wrecked the fireworks outing ... were you able to search for hip-hop hats on the net? Did you finally get a good picture of one? BTW, one of the pkgs here waiting to have postage applied to it, is a box of yarns and such (from my mom's stash; remember me telling you about it?) Anyway, hope you can find some use for it, and I know you will!

Real sorry 'bout the cost of your new med, and hope that you can get your MRI at your place, in case the ins. says no to the other. I would certainly insist! I doubt your ins. would think this Dr., or any MRI machine is better than the next! HA! Not everyone has that kind of money, and it's NOT FAIR!!! LOL [rant off here, too]

Laura said...

Generic meds are good. One of my more expensive ones are about to go generic, too. The markup on legal drugs are as bad as jewelry, sheesh.

MRIs are scary, but kind of fun, too. You're like a pizza going through one of those automatic pizza ovens in the pizzerias. :D

When I'd moved here from Amarillo, I spent the first year going to the windows to watch the rain. That and the trees that just grow without having to be planted and babied. I totally understand the wonder of water falling from the sky like it's normal. :)

Ann said...

I hate medical crap..a necessary evil I guess?

It's frustrating I know to go through all of that..but if it's gotta do what you gotta do.

Hugs to you and many many good thoughts.


Susan said...

Thanks Ann. All those hugs and good thoughts must have made it here to the prairie cause it went ok. And now I am just looking forward to a boring day at work! *G*

Susan said...

LOL Laura, I hadn't thought of picturing myself as bubbling cheese and a multitude of meat chunks. What a fun analogy!

Everytime I hear something about a med going generic my ears really perk up! Wow...that can be my next wish *G*

One of the rather weird results of a drowth is that there have been more drownings and injuries in lakes. Since the water level is down, the shallow part is smaller. and people that have been there before don't realize that. The area that used to be perfect for playing is much smaller and there have been instances when fairly close to the bank...whoosh you are in really deep water. Or you think you are farther out, dive in and the bottom is right there. :-(

Anonymous said...

I had an MRI recently for my knee. Although I though it was pretty fascinating, I was VERY Glad that the only part of me they were taking pictures of was my knee. I can't imagine being in that thing all the way. I don't think I'd fit in that tiny tube! I'm not a delicate little flower! Then when I got a bill from the surgeon (for my first appointment with him, not the MRI) the original payment BEFORE insurance was $720.00! Holy Cow! And I never saw him, just two of his assistants! They opted for PT instead of surgery, but I wonder who would actually be doing the surgery if I needed it?... Oy....

Susan said...

Francee,I look forward to checking out your mom's yarn stash. Could be a really retro find! :-)

Susan said...

LOL's kinda freaky when they do your head cause that little top thingy seems to be about an inch away from your nose. I don't know actually how close it is, cause I try to keep my eyes closed!

Once I got a bill from a doctor I really never ever saw. Allegedly he read my chart! Sheesh!

Hope your knee is getting much better!

Susan said...

LOL's kinda freaky when they do your head cause that little top thingy seems to be about an inch away from your nose. I don't know actually how close it is, cause I try to keep my eyes closed!

Once I got a bill from a doctor I really never ever saw. Allegedly he read my chart! Sheesh!

Hope your knee is getting much better!

Susan said...

LOL's kinda freaky when they do your head cause that little top thingy seems to be about an inch away from your nose. I don't know actually how close it is, cause I try to keep my eyes closed!

Once I got a bill from a doctor I really never ever saw. Allegedly he read my chart! Sheesh!

Hope your knee is getting much better!

~France said...

Glad things went well Murph ... I misunderstood when you were to have it, so forgive me for not sending (((hugs))) and well wishes ... good thing *ann* knew to do so!! LOL

Here's a wonderment: I had to go to ER a while back, and stayed over night; got the bill [my ins. paid] and it was less than $6000 ... I expected $60,000 the way things are!

Get well (((((Susan))))) and I hope the test results prove you to be A-OK!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you used the word "tumped" I haven't heard that in years, people look at me strangly when I use it. LOL

Susan said... mean it isn't a verb? I tump, you tumped, we all tump over sometimes? *G*

Once when chatting with someone new, I typed *tump* and *fixin'* in the same sentence. She then asked *are you from the Oklahoma?* LOL